Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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While many Torontonians are basking in the heat, it can be the perfect time to exercise some outdoor marketing activities.

So what does all this temperature talk how to do with your business? Well, for one, there are a variety of new ways one can market their business in the warmer weather, which we will discuss in this month’s blog. Here are five perfect warm weather marketing tips that will boost people’s attention about your company:

1) Community Events
Children are running around playing in parks, the sun is up longer, and people are outside enjoying the weather. A prime way to take advantage of this is to get to know your community, the people who drive by your location every day and may not even know what you offer or why you exist. Hold a local community event in a nearby park on a warm weekend day, as it will attract new customers as well as bring your current customers together.

2) Group Promotions
“If you tell five friends, you have a chance to win…” This always manages to attract people, after all, how easy is it to forward something to a friend or family member and automatically have a chance to win a free product or service? An easy way to incorporate this is to run group specials offering promotions based on the amount of people one of your customers brings in, either by text message or email. If one of their five friends has been referred by a current customer, they can be entered to win a prize of your company’s choice. Not only does this encourage the spread of information about your company, but it also increases the size of your database, offering more potential customers knowledge about what you offer.
3) Door to Door
While the door to door method may seem rather old-school, its overall effectiveness may surprise some. When you go door to door offering your community a special deal that your company offers, you’re putting your foot out and getting to know your customers on a one-on-one basis. While going door to door may be a bit too personal for some, handing out fliers on the street, or any sort of outside promoting is key during the summer months. People are more likely to stop and talk when the weather is nice and their being introduced to a service they may know nothing about.

4) Cool Drinks Anyone?
Is your business on a prime intersection, perhaps where many people are walking their dog or going to the park with their children? Setting up a free lemonade or cool drink stand outside your business will be a friendly invite for people to stop by and for you to promote what you are selling. It gives people a great reason to cool off and come into your location, seeing everything else that you have to offer.
5) Text Messaging
The moment you have a customer’s phone number in your database, ask them if they don’t mind receiving promotions through text once in a while. It is in this way you can build a large client phone number base where you can use text messaging as a community builder. The options are endless and range from promoting a new service, to offering polls for customers to vote on what product they like best. Monthly prize winners or even larger one time prize winners are a prime way to communicate with customers through text messaging and get people through your doors.
While there are various ways a company can advertise during the summer months, it is important to remember that it is during the summer when people may not mind as much to be approached about your service if they receive a free drink on the house. So instead of being cooped up inside this summer, remember to get out and get to know your community. It is in this way that your company can grow into a community landmark, a place your customer will remember and tell their friends about.
Logging Out,
Logical Mix

With the amount of smartphones being used these days, your business website better be compatible with smartphones or else you’re losing out. Google claims there are over 500,000 Android phones being activated on a daily basis.

The problem with websites that are not formatted for mobile phones are the usability factor and graphics. They are not what will keep a potential customer on your website. The graphics may be too large to fit on a smaller screen and will cause a person visiting your website to quickly become frustrated, and quickly leave your website. A website not properly formatted for smartphone use will be hard to navigate as well. The amount of traffic being generated via smartphones makes it worth the premium to have your website mobile compatible. Too many companies don’t value mobile compatible websites and it’s the perfect time to propel yourself above the competition, while they’re sleeping on a vastly growing technology. Because they will eventually understand the power of the smartphone.

According to Forbes, global mobile traffic now represents around 13% of internet traffic and in 2009 global traffic was only 1%. Those figures are most likely higher in North America too. If this doesn’t wake you up and let you know where the internet traffic is trending towards…nothing will. Be smart about your marketing your business and create a website that is both beautiful and user friendly on a smartphone.

Another statistic according to Forbes is that there are 1 billion  smartphone users in the world today. If only 0.1% of these users go to your smartphone compatible website, you will most likely be a very happy company. Thinking about catering to the smartphone market helps increase your positive internet exposure as well and you always want positive internet exposure.

If you think you can escape going mobile with your company, to quote Donald Byrd “you better think twice”.

Logging Out,
Logical Mix

Launching our new website is one of the most gratifying experiences our company gets to have. The emotional lift and moral boost your team gets after a new website launch is second to none in the business world. We are witnessing first hand what we pass on to your organizations and it truly makes us proud.
New elements had to be added to the new Logical Mix website to give it that updated look. We know our websites should be updated every 3-5 years (3 years really), so the change was needed now, because our 3 year mark is celebrated this month. We added a fully graphic and animated home page (with no adobe Flash elements). We made all of our pages a little more active. The last website was almost too clean. At the time it was perfect and refreshing, but times change and technology changes. From an internet marketing standpoint, our new website is a superior one. Having live blog and Twitter feeds on every page was important to us as well. A favourite change of ours was the Header and Menu bar. The top bar is one and now slightly shrinks, yet stays at the top of every page while scrolling. Very innovative.  It is such a sleek design with many beautiful elements that make it work. Everything was incorporated into this website design and we truly hope you enjoy it.
We have a new blog format as well. Every month we will release a blog. Sometimes this blog will update you on technology or give you internet marketing tips or update you on what’s going on in the “Logical Mix” World or be written strictly for fun while teaching a lesson, but rest assured you will always be entertained.
Our way of doing business is to always be out there creating positive internet exposure for you and you organization and our organization. By creating our new website we are following suit with our promise. All testimonials on our website are done in an extremely classy manner.
Your next website can incorporate any elements you see on our new website. We are never opposed to sharing.
Enjoy the rest of your 2014!
Logging Out,
Logical Mix

Spring is here and the flowers are blooming. This gave us a great idea to relate treating your business as a gardener would tend to their garden.

1) Study your landscape before you start gardening
In business, you should know your competition and you should know what can propel your business above the competition. At the very least, know what separates your company from the competition. Come up with a plan that you can follow through and know that your plan will grow your business. You wouldn’t plant a tree that needs a lot of sun in a shady area, so don’t sell a person a product or service that won’t grow your company and get you referrals.

2) Fertilize the soil
Related to checking in with your clients and making sure your service or product is up to their standards. You should be doing this on a regular basis.

3) Pull the weeds
This can translate to two things with your business. You can clean up any loose ends you need to fix to ensure your customer is happy or you can get rid of the customers you believe to be holding your business back. There is such a thing as a bad client (we don’t have any, but when you make those sales you shouldn’t have made, these customers have a way of hurting your business). Seriously, we love our clients!

4) Choose the right Plants
In business, you need to choose a plan that will benefit you and your customer. Offer a product or service that your company specializes in producing. Do not offer singing lessons to a customer, if your company only makes custom leather gloves. Similarly, to a garden, do not plant a tropical plant in a shady area in a northern climate. You will simply be wasting valuable time and money.

5) Water Properly
This goes without saying, but successful gardens need water (unless you have cacti and desert plants). Each climate is unique and each plant/flower depends on different watering schedules, but they all need water. Your clients are comparable in the sense that they need quenching (H2O). Each client depends on your care differently. Some may need lots of attention, whereas, others may be annoyed by you constantly soaking them with attention. Know who you’re dealing with.

6) Keep a keen eye on your garden during all seasons
This doesn’t mean, hovering over your customers at all times, but understand what makes them tick and what keeps them happy. If you produce clothing, make sure the quality is where it should be. If you run a daycare, keep your play areas sterilized. If you run a fruits & vegetables stand, ensure there is no mold or pests on your produce and keep your produce hydrated (that last analogy was used to link the garden to the business).

Your business like a garden is a beautiful thing. If you maintain your garden, every year it will look nicer and keep a smile on your face. Your business is no different. If you tend to your business properly, every year it will grow and everyone will take notice…just like you garden.

Logging Out,

Logical Mix

Videos, or visual animations, are not something we see in large movie arenas, but can be used to gain attention from consumers for your company’s own benefit. If the object of your company is to attract your customers to aid in the growth of your business overall, contemplating various marketing strategies is essential to understanding what works best for both your company and your customers. In May’s article, it was discussed the disadvantages of using Adobe Flash Player on your company’s website, in June’s article we will be addressing the positive advantages video and visual images has on your core audience. Marketing strategies both develop and create growth for your company, and by looking at each months article, and taking what is discussed into consideration, your company can profit greatly from these articles alone. It is commonly known that there are three different types of learners, visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic – while each prefers to learn in a different style, they have one mutual trait in common: they want to learn. Most consumers want to know what they are buying before they purchase an item or use a service, so it is the company’s main duty to inform them and teach them what it is you are offering and how it can benefit them. Different types of learners may view your website to attain information, but they all might not learn in the same way; some may prefer to learn through visual means, some by listening, and others prefer to do what they see and learn through using the tools they are given. By addressing all three different types of learners, your company is ensuring that not a single consumer will visit your website and quickly exit because they are overwhelmed by the content and it does not suit their style of interpreting information. By using videos within your website your company is directly speaking to both auditory and visual learners, 75% of the world’s population (from 40 to 65 percent of the population are visual learners, 30 to 40 percent are auditory learners). Now in terms of creating videos for your company’s social media realm, there are some important key points to keep in mind and remember. If your customers want to continue to watch the web videos you post on either your website or a video hosting site such as Youtube, you want to be consistent. If you want reoccurring viewers, you need reoccurring videos – set a date and a time that you will upload videos and make it public. It is in this way that you develop an audience who becomes both interested and devoted to what you are offering and it upholds a sense of accountability to your company and the videos that it creates. When deciding what sort of videos your company is going to create, it’s important to think about your audience and what they are interested in learning about. By doing this, not only are you putting their interests as first priority but your rate

of success will evidently increase as you are most concerned about their wants and needs, and as a result, you will hit the correct target audience. Hitting the right target audience – this may seem challenging and even daunting to some, it might even prevent a company from creating websites as they may be doubtful of whether or not they would be viewed or watched and it’s understandable to question how they are going to target the right viewers. The answer is simple, it’s something called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – the process of improving the visibility of a website with key phrases or terms in a search engine. By thinking about what your customer would be searching and what words they would use to look for what you company offers, you will be able to greater target these viewers and have your videos be among the first to be listed when searched within the search engine. Your goal is to be a good keyword copywriter, you want to come up with words that will direct customers to your website and once there, they will be able to view your content and see what exactly you are offering. Another important fact that many often seem to disregard is the title and description of your videos; a title that has unnecessary words and is too long not only distracts the customer away from your web video but its complexity can even be overwhelming. You want a title that is both short and to the point, but is catchy enough to invite the customer into wanting to read what you are offering. Like the title, the description should be neither too long, nor too short, a sufficient amount of information to give them an overall impression of what your video is about and why they would want to watch it. Finally, to be linkable is extremely essential as it concludes the overall goal of your video – the customer finishes watching what you have offered, they want to know more about your services and where to go to learn more – this is the goal, this is the end product, and the importance of having more content and even contact information is necessary as you now have a customer who is interested and wanting to know more. By keeping these simple steps in mind when creating videos, you will find yourself with a higher audience and as a result a higher amount of customers – target the right people, consider their learning skills, and put your customers at the front of your mind, and your videos will be successful and well watched.

Logging Out,

Logical Mix

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

  1. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
  2. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
  3. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.

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When you are building or editing your website always make sure it is user friendly. There is nothing more wasteful than having an online customer surf onto your website and they have no clue what the “call to action” is. They will leave fast and worse, with a bad impression about your company. For sake of not being mean, we won’t link to any website examples.

You all have seen websites where you have no clue what they are trying to convey or achieve. Don’t fall into that category.

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We all know the expression, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This is especially true in the digital age of the work environment. Come up with a plan and organize your schedule around that plan.

Douglas C. Merrill has 11 principles of organization we want to share: 1 ) Organize your life to minimize brain strain.
2 ) Get stuff out of your head as quickly as possible.
3 ) Multitasking can actually make you less efficient.
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