When you are building or editing your website always make sure it is user friendly. There is nothing more wasteful than having an online customer surf onto your website and they have no clue what the “call to action” is. They will leave fast and worse, with a bad impression about your company. For sake of not being mean, we won’t link to any website examples.

You all have seen websites where you have no clue what they are trying to convey or achieve. Don’t fall into that category.

Ask yourself a few objective questions about your website before embarking on an editing quest or reconstruction project. Does your website clearly layout who you are? Are you presenting the information or message you want to send? Is the website easy to navigate? If you’re a small to mid-sized company you can ask employees, friends and family to help. Have them test and try to navigate through your website. If there is a common theme that people seem to like, keep it. If there is a spot where most of your employees, friends or family have a hard time navigating, change it.

If you’re selling a product, can a customer buy it from you online? Everyday more and more people shop online, so take advantage of those statistics. If you sell a specialty service like commissioned paintings, you want people to find your gallery, call you or email to set an appointment. The majority of internet marketing professionals agree that the top left of your

website page should have the most relevant information you want to convey to your potential customer (for example: email address, phone number, search bar, etc.).

There are going to be many other questions specific only to your business. You need to try and understand what your target market and potential customers are looking for. Then, cater your website to those needs.

Logging Out, Logical Mix